First Day of School - September 6th - Please Read For Details

First Day of School - Tuesday September 6th
Arrival Time - Students must plan to arrive by 7:30am
Uniform - Students must arrive in their full IHSCA uniform. Please see the information about uniforms that was sent out.
Laptops - Students are expected to bring their laptop to school everyday. Students in grades 9th, 10th, and 11th grade can begin picking up laptops on Wednesday August 31 and Thursday September 1st. Students in 12th grade will be notified when laptops are ready.
Mandatory Parent Meeting For 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade - There will be a parent meeting prior to the start of the school year for grades 10th, 11th. and 12th grade. This will be a mandatory meeting held on Thursday September 1st starting at 6:00pm. 
Bell Schedule for 2022-2023
Bell Schedule