Message For IHSCA Families - Update on COVID-19

This message is regarding some misinformation regarding COVID-19. The misinformation is that there are many cases. Currently, our school has identified no more than 11 cases among our students and 11 cases among our staff. All of these cases have been identified, reported to CPS, and reported to the Illinois Department of Public Health. Contact tracing has been put in place and infected individuals are not in the building. We have been cleared to continue with regular classes.
We will continue to ask that anyone who is not feeling well, has tested positive, or has been around someone confirmed as positive stay home until they can provide proof of a negative COVID test. Students who are absent due to COVID situation will not be penalized for missed work. Students may contact teachers if they need support via Google Class/email.
We will continue to monitor the situation to see. If needed, we will consider going remote for a week or two. We will continue to test any student (with Parent Permission) on Mondays and Tuesdays. If you wish to enroll your child in our COVID-19 testing program you may enroll your child online at our IHSCA website. If your child needs to stay home, again, we will respect your decision.
We wish you good health. Please contact our school at (773) 890-8020 if you have any questions or concerns.