COVID-19 Health and Safety Info



We hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable winter break. As we get ready to transition to the next semester, it is important that we continue to be safe and healthy due to COVID-19. We are back in class and will continue to be in-person. Any updates from the CDC or CPS will be shared with you as they are received.


Please take note of the following:

  • We ask that as a precaution you be tested for COVID-19 to reduce the spread
  • We also ask that if you or anyone in your family is feeling sick, that you stay home until you can confirm you are negative for COVID.
  • We ask that if you traveled out of the country or to an area identified as unsafe, that you quarantine until you are able to test.
  • If you test positive, we ask that you, self-report ( ) and remain at home until you can provide a negative test result.

During the day, we will be following regular schedules, but ask that we continue to social distance, wear masks, and follow class seating charts (seating charts help with contact tracing). Again, we hope everyone had a restful break and look forward to seeing our students return to school.